Tuesday, October 1, 2019

Time to Wake Up! No Time to Ignore Science!

The Earth has warmed by an average of 1°C in the last century, and although that might not sound like much, it means big things for people and wildlife around the globe. Unfortunately, rising temperatures don’t just mean that we’ll get nicer weather, the changing climate will actually make our weather more extreme and unpredictable. As temperatures rise, some areas will get wetter and lots of animals and humans could find they’re not able to adapt to their changing climate. 
Suggested Videos by Dr. Smirnova:
Greta Thunberg-16 year old climate activist video

Youth Climate Strike Video

My Thoughts:

Watching Greta's video actually brought tears to my eyes. Maybe it was because she was so passionate about how she feels and what she believes in, but it was a real eye opener. Her message of "We Will Be Watching You!" and "How Dare You!" to the world leaders is extremely powerful. She is right, people are suffering, dying, and a mass extinction is on the verge of happening. It shouldn't fall on the younger generation to solve this crisis. I believe I am more aware of climate change now than I was at 16. I recycle, I try not to waste water when doing dishes or brushing teeth, etc. and I have solar panels on my house. If I were more like Greta at 16 or even If I paid more attention to the climate and the world around me back then, maybe our world would be in a bit of better place in terms of global warming.

The second video starts off with a young girl saying, "Striking from school wont solve the climate crisis." On September 20th, I actually remember watching the local news and they were covering this story about school strikes taken place around the area and my exacts thoughts were, "that's not going to solve the issue." The strike wasn't about solving the climate issue, it is trying to make people aware of the urgency of this matter. We all need to understand what is going on and it requires everyone to have a new way of thinking. We all should be thinking more about clean energy and why droughts, flooding, fires, and other extreme weathers are happening more often. We need to realize that the world is changing and what it will be like for us in the future. We ALL need to contribute and save the earth!


What do I Think?
We defiantly need to wake up and not ignore science! We need to be more proactive, embrace a new way of thinking, and do our part just  like the young people.

Check out:
35 Facts About Climate Change

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