Monday, October 7, 2019

The 5 Kingdoms and Learning Styles

Kingdoms are a way that scientists have developed to divide all living things. These divisions are based on what living things have in common and how they differ. This system was developed over 2, 000 years ago and has changed drastically over the years. Currently there are five kingdoms in which all living things are divided: Monera Kingdom, Protist Kingdom, Fungi Kingdom, Plant Kingdom, and Animal Kingdom.

Keep in mind the following questions:

  1. Given your personal learning style, how do you remember information that relates to classification, such as the Kingdoms?
Naturally I am a visual learner. Using a chart, graphic organizer, or a diagram to help me remember information works the best. As long as I am able to see the information in an organized manner, I can then read and study the material and become more familiar with it.
  1. What science process skills are used to learn the information necessary to classify living things into the Kingdoms?  
                                      6 Process Skills:


2. Considering your personal learning style, would it be easier for you to learn about nonliving or living things first, before moving on to learning about the other?
Since I am a visual learner, I think it would be easier for me to learn and classify what is living first, then move on to the non-living. There are things in the world that exist that you would think would be non-living, but they are actually living.

Elaborate your ideas on how you will teach the Life science concepts. Share examples of the lessons you liked the most from our e-TextBook or other resources.

I would teach life science concepts with hands-on activities. I believe if students are actively engaged it will help them learn and understand the content in a more productive way. All hands-on activities should be followed by follow-up work, whether the teacher assigns an essay/short answer or asks students to complete a group project. Assignment questions should ask students to analyze the results of the activity and explain why a certain set of events may have occurred. These assignments reinforce learning and help students better understand scientific principles.

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