Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Gravity Lesson

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Group 2's lesson on gravity went very well. They were able to fulfill both of their direct and inquiry lessons. In their direct lesson they used a program called Mentimeter, which I thought was an absolutely brilliant idea. Mentimeter helped guide them through their lesson and kept the students engaged during it. As my colleagues were teaching and providing information to the students, Mentimeter prompted the students with questions for them to answer. The questions being prompted from Mentimeter had me confused and I was unsure if my colleagues were pre-assessing or if they were checking for understanding, but Alyssa had stated that they way they had their PowerPoint set-up, was for both lessons, so the confusion was cleared up. The only suggestion I have for them, was to incorporate transitions into their lesson, other than that they did an exceptional job!

 I loved how they set-up stations and utilized more than one room for their inquiry lesson. This idea of separation really helped with keeping the kids focused, engaged, and made for less distractions. Each teacher fulfilled the 5 E's perfectly and the students really enjoyed each experiment at each station. My colleagues had great classroom and time management skills, they were able to stay on task and control the students by regaining attention without any issues. I liked how they brought the students together at the end to go over what they accomplished at each station and I thought the extra packet of experiments was a nice touch for the students to leave with. Overall, I really enjoyed this lesson. 

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